Sheep Producers Australia Limited is recruiting in 2024 for individuals to serve a two-year term as members on the Sheep Producers Australia Policy Council.
Sheep Producers Australia is the national peak body representing Australia's 20,000 sheepmeat producers - Proud advocates for the people producing the best lamb in the world.
Our producers work hard, and we do too to enhance the productivity, profitability and sustainability of the sector.
We do this by:
advocating on behalf of producers with government and industry stakeholders
monitoring investment of producer levies
engaging with our State Farming Organisation members
consulting with industry and sharing important information and solutions
The Sheep Producers Australia Policy Council (Council) is comprised of national representatives from the Australian sheep industry. The role of the Policy Council is to ensure that Sheep Producers Australia's policy agenda is strategic, supports the advancement of relevant and impactful industry policy and advocacy, and is informed by producer needs and experiences.
The Council does this by:
• enabling producer representation
• consulting on issues including animal health, biosecurity, product integrity and quality trade and market access, climate and industry programs
• providing positive input into the development of proactive industry policy to benefit the Australian sheep industry
• developing national policy positions and recommending their adoption to the Sheep Producers Australia Board
• working across a range of service providers to ensure the investment of sheep producer levies is strategic and impactful
Recruitment for one SFO representative each from New South Wales Farmers, Victorian Farmers Federation, WAFarmers, and two independent representatives has now closed.
Applications for the Policy Council Members closed at 11.59pm on
Wednesday 28 August 2024.
Working with Sheep Producers Australia policy staff, the Policy Council members will ensure that the policy agenda is strategic, disciplined and focuses on key issues impacting the Australian sheep industry.
Members will also be empowered to guide the content, direction and monitoring of activities that are closely linked to Red Meat 2030, the Sheep Sustainability Framework and Sheep Producers Australia’s Strategic Plan.
To Apply download the information pack
Any questions should be sent via email to the Board Selection Committee Secretariat, Rachel Cofrancesco rachel@rcconsultancy.com.au
With the heading:
In Confidence: Sheep Producers Australia Policy Council Application