Daryl Quinlivan
Policy Council Chair
Daryl is currently the NSW Agriculture Commissioner. He was Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture and Water resources from 2015 to 2020 and was head of office at the Productivity Commission from 2012 to 2015. He has a long history of experience in policy areas including agriculture, water, food trade, natural resource management, telecommunications, transport and Commonwealth and State relations.
George Nichols
Independent Member
After a 20-year career in farm management and on farm production across NSW, Victoria and Tasmania, I am currently the State Wool Lead and Bridgewater Branch Livestock Manager for Nutrien Ag Solutions in Tasmania.
A lifelong career in the sheep industry has enabled me to gain experience in all levels of the supply chain. Moving back to Tasmania in 2017 with my wife and three children, we live in the Derwent Valley in Southern Tasmania.
Bill O'Halloran
Independent Member
Former Sheepmeats Industry Leader for NSW DPI and Chair of the Product Integrity Committee for Sheep Producers Australia. Industry involvement has included:
Being involved in developing the first Lamb Industry Strategic Plan and successive plans
Setting policy direction for the R&D activities of NSW Agriculture’s sheepmeat team
Developing a system for computerised lamb carcass ticketing from processing to retail
Leading implementation of NLIS (sheep and goats) in NSW from 2005 to 2009.
Passionate about the sheep meat industry continuing to be successful, to overcome challenges and to implement the changes that are needed.
Katheryn Robertson
Victorian Farmers Federation Member
Kathryn is from near Hamilton in Western Victoria where part of her time is spent on the family farm that runs sheep, cattle and cropping.  She spends the other part of her working time running her own large animal veterinary practice, focusing on sheep and cattle.  She has recently become part of the Victorian Farmers Federation livestock council.
Anthony Hurst
Livestock SA Member
Third generation farmer of Lucindale in Southeast SA. Running Mixed farming operation consisting of cattle, merino sheep, stud white Suffolks and Australian whites and cropping program. Been involved in numerous sheep and cattle industry boards over the last 20 years.
Jenny Bradley
New South Wales Farmers Member
Jenny, along with Craig her husband operates a mixed farming business in Central Western NSW.
The sheep business comprises merino ewes and a registered stud. The stud encompasses modern technology with the aim of producing commercially relevant, productive animals.
Jenny has an interest in sheep production principles, lamb marketing as well as youth engagement in Agriculture.
Jenny currently Chairs NSW Farmers Sheepmeat Committee plus the Innovation and Technology Working Group.
Angus Denholm
Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association Member
Angus’ family runs a self-replacing fine wool merino flock in the Southern Central Highlands of Tasmania. He completed 4 years working on Merino Studs in Central NSW following his schooling in Hobart.
In 2020 he Graduated from Marcus Oldham College with a Bachelor of Agribusiness.
Presently, he is managing a large mixed farming operation located in the Derwent Valley, turning off more than 20,000 prime lambs each year.
Angus was recently presented the 2023 Zoetis Australian Prime Lamb Producer of the Year Award.
He has also recently taken on the role of President for the Hamilton District Agricultural Show Society.
Brydie Creagh
Independent Member
Brydie is a sheep producer from Western Australia with 13 years of experience across the agricultural supply chain. She manages merino and crossbred prime lamb flocks with her family in the Great Southern and on the south coast of Western Australia.
Brydie has a background in on-farm operations, livestock extension, agronomy, and as policy adviser to the WA Minister for Agriculture. She is passionate about facilitating effective collaboration between industry and government to achieve positive outcomes for Australian sheep producers.
Mark Inglis
Independent Member
DIP FM Marcus Oldham
JBS Farm Assurance and Supply Chain Manager
My background is a commercial one with experience in animal husbandry and animal production working on and managing a broad range of livestock orientated properties including cattle properties in Western Australia’s Kimberley, sheep properties both wool and meat in Victoria and establishing a 900 sow outdoor free range pig breeding operation.
Prior to joining JBS Australia I spent 6 years working for MLA/MSA with producers, stock agents, saleyards, feedlots and livestock buyers to gain a greater understanding of the pathways into both the cattle and sheep MSA programs.
Currently my role with JBS sees me managing both the lamb and beef farm assurance programs which link customers and consumers to supplying producers, overseeing the MSA component of the JBS Southern business, lamb, beef, coordinating and implementing R + D programs specific to JBS lamb, beef and running producer educational programs across both the beef and lamb supply chains.
My passion is livestock whether that be on farm production, marketing, animal welfare, processing, industry issues, consumer awareness with an end goal of creating value chains substantiating claims and guarantees to consumers.
I am based out of Victoria where I live 30 kms west of Geelong but cover all states and areas where JBS operate.
Penny Schulz
Independent Member
Penny runs a family sheep and cattle operation at Field in South Australia’s Limestone Coast region, with her husband Jason and their young family. She also works off-farm delivering projects to the livestock industry with her expertise in the fields of agtech adoption, livestock genetics, farm business management and sustainable farming systems.
Penny has recently been appointed to the role of Livestock Technical Specialist with the SA Drought Hub at the University of Adelaide, with her role focused on farmer adoption – an area of great passion for Penny. She also holds several board and advisory group roles including Chair of the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, a member of the Premier’s Climate Change Council and a member of the Minister for Primary Industries & Regions Agtech Advisory Group.
Stephen Tully
AgForce Queensland Member
I am a 5th generation farmer in the Quilpie district.
Own 73,000ha Bunginderry station with my wife Annabel and 5 children.
Run approximately 12000 merino sheep, 10,000 goats and 200 cattle.
I have multiple roles in the sheep industry including Agforce sheep and wool president, a board member of Woolproducers, member of ministerial advisory group for animal welfare, Land protection Council.
I have been an important part of the allowing of fodder harvesting in QLD, The structure and role out of wild dog policy in QLD, the building and funding of Exclusion fencing and many others.
Twynam Cunningham
Pastoralists and Graziers Association WA Member
Orange Agricultural College graduate 1979. Six years working for Kojonup accountants Pascoe, Hudson, Broom & Blythe in the late 1980s. Took over the family property Beeac Estate in the Great Southern of WA in the 1990s, running Merino sheep, Angus cattle and cropping cereals, canola, and lupins. Two years ago, handed the property management over to our son. During my time in agriculture, chaired the Great Southern branch of the Pastoralists & Graziers Association (PGA). Currently on the PGA State Executive committee and the PGA Livestock committee.
David Slade
Western Australian Farmers Federation Member
David and his family operate a 6000ha cropping, sheep and cattle property in the southwest of WA in the 550mm rainfall zone. The sheep enterprise is focused on meat production using New Zealand Greeline maternal genetics to produce around 11,000 – 12,000 lambs annually, achieving lambing percentages of 140 – 150%. The Slade’s Glenridge Park business has focused on efficiency and innovation and is currently trialing a range of livestock technology as a demonstration site for the Smart Farming (Pasture and Cropping) project.
David is a strong advocate for agriculture and keen to continue to promote the involvement of young people in the industry.