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Sheep Producers Australia welcomes the Senate Inquiry into food labelling

17 June 2021

Sheep Producers Australia (SPA) welcomes the announcement at parliament this week by Senator Susan McDonald that she has launched a Senate Inquiry into food labelling laws.

‘Whilst white meats and beef mince have borne the brunt of labelling issues, we have seen in recent times that lamb, or sheep meat in general is also on the ‘substitute’ agenda. Lamb cannot call itself beef, or vice versa, if the price is higher on the day, even though we are a lot closer in constitution than anything plant based.” Mr Stephen Crisp SPA CEO.

“These products are not lamb or any type of meat and need to be labelled accordingly. This enquiry is exactly what is needed to ensure truth in labelling, and that the red meat sector has the same protections as other industries when it comes to protecting a brand that is expensive to earn and maintain. SPA congratulates Senator McDonald on this initiative and implores the whole livestock sector to take a keen interest and contribute where they can.” says Mr Crisp.

“The red meat industry is bigger than the processors, butchers, supermarkets, their combined branding, and the cost of complying with regulations. There is massive investment from producers, through levies, that contribute to funding domestic lamb marketing campaigns like the Meat & Livestock Australia Lamb adds that we enjoy every January.

Your everyday producer complies with many regulations and contributes directly to the cost of maintaining our brand. Anyone who wants to piggyback on the lamb name is getting a free ride on the back of a sheep producer, and the whole of the supply chain.” says Mr Crisp.

Sheep Producers Australia Media
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