19 Sept 2021
Sheep Producers Australia (SPA) has established a new mechanism for policy development, replacing four subject specific committees with a single Policy Council. The new Policy Council was established on 1 July 2021 following extensive consultation with members and includes a producer representative and policy officer from each State Farming Organisation, five independent members recruited for their expert skills and knowledge and an independent Chair.
SPA would like to announce that sheep industry representatives from across Australia have now been appointed.
“The Policy Council is the ‘engine room’ of SPA. As an organisation with national influence, SPA is a leader in the industry and is responsible for looking beyond state borders and jurisdictions and advocate for issues that are not confined to individual regions or enterprises.” Bonnie Skinner General Manager, Policy Advocacy.
Mr Daryl Quinlivan has been appointed as the Independent Council Chair. Daryl is currently the NSW Agriculture Commissioner and was formerly the Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture from 2015 to 2020.
“The sheep industry has a unique place in Australia’s economic history, but despite being one of our oldest industries it is one of the brightest stars in Australian agriculture at present, and I am pleased to have an opportunity to contribute to its future growth.” Daryl Quinlivan Policy Council Chair.
The Policy Council Members will consider how SPA’s policy, advocacy and leadership functions can be used to address current and emerging risks and opportunities to the industry.
“The sheep meat industry’s on-farm gross margins have never been better, with record prices, low interest rates and a return to good seasons in most districts. There are signs that the flock has entered a post drought rebuilding phase. This is the time to embrace a culture of collaboration and innovation in the sheep industry.” Ms Skinner.
Recruitment for the new Council was undertaken by the SPA Board Selection Committee and Independent Secretariat who made their recommendations for Council Member appointments to the SPA Board for endorsement.
SPA would like to thank everyone who nominated, and we look forward to commencing the important work the Policy Council members have before them.
Sheep Producers Australia Media
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