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Red Meat MoU Green Paper: Producers’ chance to provide feedback on bold industry reform

13 Feb 2019

Red Meat MoU Green Paper: Producers’ chance to provide feedback on bold industry reform


An independent Taskforce appointed to review the Red Meat Memorandum of Understanding (Red Meat MoU) has just released its Green Paper into options to reform how the entire red meat industry is coordinated.

The Red Meat MoU review is about getting the governance of the red meat industry right. This includes how roles, responsibilities and funding can be better coordinated so the industry can be ahead of emerging issues. For this reason, the Green Paper is critical.

In its initial consultations, the Taskforce has found an overwhelming desire for bold and ambitious reform. The Taskforce is now seeking productive and constructive feedback on the Green Paper until 14 March 2019, before it presents its recommendations in a final report.

If bold and ambitious reform of the industry is to be effective, it must be backed by the industry. Producers are encouraged to have their say on the reforms outlined by the independent review Taskforce.

Click here to view and comment on the Green Paper by 14 March 2019.

View the Read Meat MoU FAQs

View RMAC’s Red Meat MoU media release

Background:  The Red Meat MoU was signed in 1998 to guide roles, responsibilities and funding between the Commonwealth Government and Cattle Council of Australia, Sheep Producers Australia, Goat Industry Council of Australia, Australian Meat Industry Council, Australian Live Exporters’ Council, Australian Lot Feeders’ Association, Meat & Livestock Australia, Australian Meat Processor Corporation and LiveCorp. An independent Taskforce has been appointed to take a critical look at it to ensure it the MoU is fit for purpose to guide the red meat industry through future challenges.

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