3 June 2019
Australia’s new definition of lamb – what you need to know
The definition of lamb is changing in Australia – from 1 July 2019.
The current definition of lamb is ‘A female, castrate or entire male that has 0 permanent incisor teeth’.
The new definition is ‘an ovine animal that:
(a) is under 12 months of age; or
(b) does not have any permanent incisor teeth in wear.’
This means a lamb is able to cut one or both of its permanent central incisor teeth, as long as they are not in wear.
The sheep industry has compiled a range of resources to inform producers and other industry stakeholders about the new definition:
FACT SHEET: Australia’s new definition of lamb – what you need to know
FACT SHEET: Erupted permanent incisor teeth not in wear – the impact on eating quality
VIDEO: Australia’s new definition of lamb – what you need to know
Sheep Producers Australia Media
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