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Submissions are now Closed - Have Your Say into the Inquiry into Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024
The Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024 (the Bill) would amend the Export Control Act 2020 (the Act) to prohibit the export of live sheep by sea from Australia and to provide authority for Commonwealth spending on activities related to preparing for, or adapting or responding to, the phasing out of export of live sheep by sea.
There is only 6 days to Have Your Say into the Inquiry into Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024.
The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture has initiated an inquiry but with less than a week for submissions which were due on 11 June 2024.
Sheep Producers Australia has developed a template submission to support you to make your voice heard.
Step 1: Access the submission template Here
Step 2: To ensure your submission counts, personalise the submission with your own words
• Include what impact a future without live sheep export by sea would have on you, your family, your business, your neighbour, and your community. Provide clear examples where possible.
• You may also consider including references to loss of community services, mental health, risk of less sheep numbers in the State and the economic impact, the flow on effect to your community if there was to be a future without live sheep export by sea.
Step 3: Email your submission to or upload it to the submission portal Here.
Let’s Work Together
If you haven't already please send in your details to receive updates from the Voices of Live Sheep By completing this form, you agree to be contacted by Sheep Producers Australia.
Additional Political engagement Key points for producers and live export
supply chain participants:​
If you are writing to your own Member of Parliament, mention that you live in their electorate early in the letter and please use language that is clear and respectful, this is about the independent consultation process not the person you are writing to.
WA has 27 Federal politicians, and all are contactable in their own individual contact form on the Parliament of Australia website at this link or their emails.
Please find a list of contact details for key politicians here
Letter template you can use to write to your local electorate, state and federal politicians is here
In 2024 Sheep Producers Australia, Cattle Australia and Western Dairy compiled and released a survey to help inform the WA Dry Season Taskforce. This survey received just under 650 responses and 100 producers requested additional assistance and were provided with contact details based on what support they needed. The results of the survey are available here.