Sheep Producers Australia Limited is recruiting for Non-Executive Member elected Board Directors at the upcoming 2024 Annual General Meeting.
Sheep Producers Australia is the National Peak Industry Body for the Australian sheepmeat industry. Based in Canberra, our purpose is to be a strategic leader working to benefit Australia’s sheep industry to achieve a productive, profitable, and sustainable future.
Sheep Producers Australia’s vision is to be a trusted influencer, leader and advisor for Australian sheep producers, industry, and government.
Sheep Producers Australia is governed by a skills-based board, comprised of a minimum of four and maximum of seven Non-Executive Member elected Directors and up to two Board-appointed Independent Directors.
Sheep Producers Australia is currently recruiting for up to two Non-Executive Member elected Directors.
Working with the Sheep Producers Australia Policy Council, Directors will be able to advocate for the sheepmeat sector, whilst providing the governance oversight required for the organisation to perform an essential role.
If you would like additional information, please contact the Sheep Producers Australia 2024 Board Selection Committee Secretary
Applications for Non-Executive Board Directors positions close Sunday 14 July 2024.​
To Apply download the information pack